
Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading
Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading

Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading

Despite ongoing deterioration, the rate of decline has decelerated in recent years.

Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading

More than a third (35.4%) of global stocks were overfished in 2019, an increase of 1.2% since 2017. Target 14.4: Fishery resources continue to be threatened by overfishing, pollution, poor management and other factors, including illegal fishing.This means that the ocean today is about 30% more acidic than in pre-industrial times. Target 14.3: Ocean acidification is increasing and will continue to do so if CO2 emissions do not stop rising, threatening marine ecosystems and the services they provide.The highest rates are in the Arabian Sea. Target 14.1: The global trend of elevated coastal eutrophication continued in 2022 above the 2000-2004 baseline conditions, though different in magnitude from recent years.

Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading

Urgent and coordinated global action is needed to continue to advance towards SDG14. While there has been some progress in expanding marine protected areas and combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing over the years, more concerted efforts and acceleration are urgently needed. The ocean, the world’s largest ecosystem, continues to be endangered by rising acidification, eutrophication, declining fish stocks and mounting plastic pollution. Destructive trends in ocean health have not abated.

Waves Complete 14 (17.07.23) downloading